Bundestag election 2017

Elected in constituency

CDU 32.6 %

First unsuccessful

DIE LINKE 19.2 %

Percentage of first votes


Percentage of second votes

Result table Final result
Specification First votes Second votes
Number % Diff. on 2013 in p.p. Number % Diff. on 2013 in p.p.
Persons entitled to vote 165,625 165,625
Wähler 111,193 67.1 +4.5 111,193 67.1 +4.5
Invalid 1,738 1.6 -0.2 1,330 1.2 -0.4
Valid 109,455 98.4 +0.2 109,863 98.8 +0.4
CDU 35,644 32.6 -9.6 36,022 32.8 -9.3
DIE LINKE 20,973 19.2 -11.2 20,346 18.5 -6.1
SPD 20,900 19.1 +1.5 18,721 17.0 -2.0
AfD 18,031 16.5 18,419 16.8 +13.2
GRÜNE 3,738 3.4 +0.6 3,648 3.3 ±0.0
FDP 7,388 6.7 +5.3 7,838 7.1 +5.0
NPD -2.5 662 0.6 -1.5
FREIE WÄHLER 1,567 1.4 +0.6 888 0.8 +0.1
MLPD 118 0.1 ±0.0
Tierschutzallianz 1,218 1.1
BGE 304 0.3
DiB 242 0.2
MG 467 0.4
Die PARTEI 970 0.9
EB: Renne 654 0.6
EB: Schmidt 560 0.5
PIRATEN -2.4 -1.9
ÖDP -0.1
Individual candidates -0.3