
Press release no. 04/2013 of 18. Juni 2013

58 parties and political associations notifying their intention to participate in the Bundestag elections

WIESBADEN – By the submission deadline of 6 p.m. on Monday, 17 June 2013, 58 parties and political associations had notified the Federal Returning Officer of their intended participation in the 2013 elections to the Bundestag.

The Federal Returning Officer also reports that this notification is the prerequisite for most parties and political associations to participate in the Bundestag elections. Only those parties which have been continuously represented in the German Bundestag or in a Landtag since the last relevant elections by at least five representatives on the basis of the parties’ nominations are entitled to directly submit nominations of candidates to the relevant Land returning officer or constituency returning officer. All other parties and political associations have to notify the Federal Returning Officer in writing of their intention to participate.

The following parties and political associations have notified the Federal Returning Officer of their intended participation (listed in order by date of receipt):

  1. FWD – Freie Wähler Deutschland
  2. MDU – Muslimisch Demokratische Union
  3. (no shortened form) – Bündnis 2013 – Die Reformer
  4. Die PlanetBlauen – WasserPartei Deutschland-WPD
  5. DR – Deutsches Reich
  6. DIE VIOLETTEN – Die Violetten
  7. BP – Bayernpartei
  8. Deutsche Konservative – DEUTSCHE KONSERVATIVE PARTEI
  9. CM – CHRISTLICHE MITTE – Für ein Deutschland nach GOTTES Geboten
  10. Volksabstimmung – Ab jetzt…Demokratie durch Volksabstimmung
  12. (no shortened form) – Eurowählergemeinschaft
  13. FAMILIE – Familien-Partei Deutschlands
  15. RENTNER – RENTNER Partei Deutschland
  17. Bündnis 21/RRP – Bündnis 21/RRP
  18. pro Deutschland – Bürgerbewegung pro Deutschland
  19. KPD – Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
  20. (no shortened form) – Erste Partei des Volkes
  21. FRÜHLING – Frühling-in-Deutschland e. V.
  22. PdB – Partei der Bedrängten
  23. (no shortened form) – DIE RECHTE
  24. NEIN! – NEIN!-Idee
  25. DGP – Die GERADE Partei
  26. Die PARTEI – Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative
  27. ÖDP – Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei
  28. DUW – Demokratische Unabhängige Wählervereinigung
  29. BGD – Bund für Gesamtdeutschland
  30. BüSo – Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität
  31. DND – Die Neue Demokratie
  32. Aufbruch C – Aufbruch C
  33. DNV – Deutsche Nationalversammlung
  34. SU – SustainableUnion
  35. PBC – Partei Bibeltreuer Christen
  36. AfD – Alternative für Deutschland
  37. U.d.M. – Union der Menschlichkeit
  38. BIG – Bündnis für Innovation & Gerechtigkeit
  39. GMD – Partei Gesunder Menschenverstand Deutschland
  40. IDPD – Immigranten-Deutsche-Partei Deutschlands
  41. DKP – Deutsche Kommunistische Partei
  42. MLPD – Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands
  43. PSG – Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, Sektion der Vierten Internationale
  44. PIRATEN – Piratenpartei Deutschland
  45. (no shortened form) – Jahw Partei
  46. B – Bergpartei, die "ÜberPartei"
  47. (no shortened form) – DIE ALTERNATIVEN
  48. (no shortened form) – Partei der Nichtwähler
  49. PARTEI DER VERNUNFT – Partei der Vernunft
  50. IDU – Islamische Demokratische Union
  52. APPD – Anarchistische Pogo-Partei Deutschlands
  53. DIE FRAUEN – Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN
  55. (no shortened form) – DIE.NÄCHSTEN
  56. Alternative Partei – Alternative Partei
  58. DGP – Deutsche Gerechtigkeits Partei

The decision on the recognition of these associations as political parties will be taken by the Federal Electoral Committee on the 79th day before the Bundestag elections (Section 18 (4) of the Federal Elections Act). The meeting of the Federal Electoral Committee, which will be open to the public, will be held in the German Bundestag building in Berlin, Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus (entrance Adele-Schreiber-Krieger-Str. 1), room 3.101 (Anhörungssaal), on Thursday, 4 July 2013, 11 a.m. and on Friday, 5 July 2013, 9 a.m.

Nominations of candidates will have to be submitted by 6 p.m. on 15 July 2009, viz. in the form of Land lists to the competent Land returning officers or as constituency nominations to the competent constituency returning officers. The decision on their admission will be taken by the Land Electoral Committees or Constituency Electoral Committees on 26 July 2013.


For further information:
Office of the Federal Returning Officer
tel: +49 611 75-4863