Mitteilungen des Bundeswahlleiters

April 2, 2015

Results of the 2014 European Election in Germany by polling districts available on CD

As of now, a CD containing the results of the 2014 European Election in Germany by polling districts is available. All data on the CD are provided in txt format so that they can be processed further in any database program. Due to the great number of data records, Microsoft Excel can be used for processing since version 2007 only. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read the notes and data record descriptions.

For each of the about 90,000 polling districts, the CD contains a file with vote results. An additional file (some 15,000 data records) with information on the community codes used is also stored on the data medium (territory as of 30 June 2014).

The CD is a joint publication of the Returning Officers of the Federation and the Länder. It may be ordered at a price of EUR 95.– (D) plus forwarding costs from the Federal Returning Officer or the Land Returning Officers.

The contact form of the Federal Returning Officer’s Office may be used to order the CD: