

Result of the 19th Berlin House of Representatives election on 26 September 2021 *
Specification First votes Second votes Seats
Number % Number % Total Constituencies Land lists
Persons entitled to vote 2,431,776 X 2,431,776 X
Voters, voter turnout 1,529,558 62.9 1,529,558 62.9
Submitted votes 1,527,976 X 1,527,899 X
Invalid votes 13,409 0.9 11,039 0.7
Valid votes and seats 1,514,567 99.1 1,516,860 99.3 159 78 81
SPD 301,851 19.9 279,017 18.4 34 4 30
CDU 449,990 29.7 428,228 28.2 52 48 4
GRÜNE 290,026 19.1 278,964 18.4 34 20 14
DIE LINKE 186,473 12.3 185,119 12.2 22 4 18
AfD 136,426 9.0 137,871 9.1 17 2 15
FDP 58,381 3.9 70,416 4.6
Die PARTEI 25,120 1.7 21,570 1.4
Tierschutzpartei 43,924 2.9 36,273 2.4
PIRATEN 1,184 0.1 5,145 0.3
Graue Panther 6,275 0.4
NPD 566 0.0 1,591 0.1
Gesundheitsforschung 3,768 0.2
LKR 382 0.0 475 0.0
DKP 2,517 0.2
SGP 801 0.1
BüSo 409 0.0
B* 1,137 0.1
ÖDP 643 0.0 1,674 0.1
dieBasis 11,505 0.8 8,342 0.5
Bildet Berlin! 1,790 0.1
DL 22 0.0
Deutsche Konservative 16 0.0
Die Grauen 6,447 0.4
Neue Demokraten 69 0.0
REP 15 0.0 44 0.0
du. 614 0.0 2,993 0.2
BÜNDNIS21 36 0.0 786 0.1
DIE FRAUEN 111 0.0
FREIE WÄHLER 5,666 0.4 3,923 0.3
Klimaliste Berlin 4,103 0.3
LD 30 0.0
MIETERPARTEI 973 0.1 3,902 0.3
Die Humanisten 2,659 0.2
Team Todenhöfer 6,326 0.4
Volt 14,047 0.9
Individual candidates 629 0.0

*  Result after repeat election on 12 February 2023.